Adiel Akplogan
Adiel A. Akplogan is Vice President for Technical Engagement at ICANN. With more than 25 years’ experience in the ICT industry (20 specifically in the Internet Technology Industry), Adiel has previously worked as CEO for AFRINIC (The African Network Information Centre), IT Director for Symbol Technology in France (2001-2003) and Director of New Technology at CAFÉ Informatique in Togo (1994-2000). Recognized as one of the Internet technology pioneers in Africa, he has contributed to technical capacity building and deployment of some of the first private Internet Service Providers in Africa from 1996-1999. During his career, Adiel has served as volunteer in Boards or Advisory Committees of many global and international organizations such as the UN Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (IGF-MAG from 2006-2009), the Technical Advisory Committee of the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (ATAC/UNECA from 2005-2006), the Executive Council of the Number Resource Organization (NRO – 2005-2015 as Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer), ICANN Strategic Panel on its role in the Internet governance ecosystem, the African Union AXIS program Steering Committee (2012-2015), the African Network Operators Group and the Africa Internet Summit's Administration and Program committee (AFNOG/AIS – 2000-2015) and the Organisation International de la Francophonie (OIF) Expert Group on Internet Governance (since 1999). Passionate about Internet technology and its impact on human development, he has actively contributed to the setup of several technical coordination bodies in Africa such as the African Network Operators Group (AfNOG), the African ccTLD Managers Association (AfTLD), AfricaCERT, and the Africa Internet Summit (AIS). Adiel Akplogan has an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering and holds a master’s degree in E-Business and New Technology Management from Paris Graduate School of Management.

If You Are Serious About
Achieving Success In Any Area
A mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations that is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within you to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviours, choices, or tools.
It’s so powerful that it affects every decision making processes. It predetermines your responses and interpretations of situations.
You can’t outsmart your mindset!
An effective and success driven mindset is one that makes the best use of all your available resources — your time, energy, opportunities, etc.